Monday, July 12, 2010

It's My Birthday, I'll Blog if I Want To

Welcome to my little corner of the world I like to call Chaos. If you're looking for deep, intellectual banter about Chaos Theory, or intellectual banter of any kind, I'm afraid you're in the wrong blogosphere. We're going to keep it light here and, I hope, fun.

Today is my birthday, the 42nd anniversary of what my mother used to call my "natal day." She was like that ... always a little different ... purchased Sara Lee frozen pies instead of making birthday cakes, calling it an anniversary of one's natal day instead of a birthday, you know, just quirky. I'm sure there may be some amusing (to my brothers and me, anyway) prose (I'll use that term loosely) about Luella in future postings. But for now, I just want to explain myself, maybe even defend myself as to why I'm writing this at all.

My gift to myself (not that I don't LOVE the Wii Fit my boys gave me) was to start a blog. Professionally, I'm a writer, but my work is more technical in nature. Truth is, it falls far short of meeting my need to create. And it is human nature to want to create, isn't it? Something. Anything. Paintings. Photographs. Skyscrapers. Offspring. The perfect margarita.

So here I am, on my porch at 9 p.m., having finally (made dinner/cleaned up dinner/devoured birthday cake and, with my catch of a husband, put our three young boys to bed) found a blog name that wasn't already commandeered by some more serious writer, defending myself. I hope what you find here in future posts amuses you or at least makes your day a little lighter, a little brighter. That's all. I'm not looking to change the world. I'm just trying to find a little calm in the chaos that has become my life. A good life, for sure, but a bit more chaotic than I'd written for myself.



  1. I'm following, no pressure.

  2. wahoooooooooo! welcome to the blogosphere!! allison

  3. I'm looking forward to any and all bits of wisdom you can impart on my life. I expect nothing less than life-altering moments from reading your new blog! ;)

  4. ahhhhhhh!! I love that I can be a part of your life thru this blog! love it! love you!

  5. I'm on board, Karen! Love your writing style: no muss, no fuss, just real life stuff :-)

  6. I like it! I can relate to the gnawing need to create and the struggle to find time to do so. I enjoy your writing style - fresh and lighthearted, with an underlying layer of thought provoking thrown in. Thanks for the invite!

  7. Happy belated Birthday!! Looking forward to carving out a few minutes from my mayhem to "commiserate".
